Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ang ProLife Partylist nominee Engr. Moises Canete: Engineer and manufacturer

Ang ProLife Partylist nominee Engr. Moises Canete

1. What is your educational and work background?
I have a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Cebu Institute of Technology, batch of 1984. After graduating, I worked at PHINMA and reached the position of product manager. I then started my own company Surge Traders, in 1998. This is where I trace my humble roots from a small electrical manufacturing shop. Which has now grown into a stable manufacturing company that specialize in electrical controls for various industrial needs. Surge Traders is currently located at Ylaya, Talamban Cebu City. I have recently started research work and experimentation into the development of ‘Free Energy’ under the Keshe Foundation, which is based in Europe.
2. Who invited you to join the Ang Prolife partylist?
I was primarily one of the founding members of the Prolife Party List. For 5 years now, I have served as member of the Board of Trustees of the Prolife Philippines Foundation. We created the partylist because of the need to have a stronger voice for pro-life representatives in congress. We want to reestablish the culture of life in our country.
3. How were you nominated to serve as partylist representative in congress?
I was appointed by Eric Manalang, the foundation and partylist president, and by Lito David, the executive secretary. I have always been active in committing to our cause and beliefs. When this tremendous responsibility came, I was fortunate enough to be one of the few the party considered. It was with great caution and eagerness that I stepped up to accept the nomination. I felt that this is the best way I can serve God and especially my fellow countrymen.
4. How did your nomination affect your family and friends?
When I told my children, they were happy for me and wished me the strength to endure the campaign and if appointed, the responsibilities of the congress. They expect me to strive to do my best, stand for what I believe in and not to let politics get the best of me. It is important that I do what is required of me and what needs to be done. My family understands this as well as I do. They are there to support me all the way.

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