Wednesday, April 17, 2013


By: Atty: Jemy Gatdula (2nd nominee of Ang Prolife Partylist)

Essentially, what Ang Pro-Life Party-List stands for: the good life - education for the young, healthcare for mothers, better retirement benefits for the elderly, better employment for Filipinos, and a country rooted in shared values and lasting faith.

We believe that good families make good citizens, and good citizens build families that become the nation’s engines of authentic and total growth. Consequently, we are also against the culture of death embodied in bills on divorce, euthanasia, abortion, birth control, reproductive rights, population control, and same-sex marriage.

Pro-Lifers (and Ang Pro-Life) believe that this election is a fight for the soul of the nation. The primary objective and mission is therefore to Reclaim the Culture of Life in the Philippines.

This nation need Filipinos who will stand for authentic and timeless Filipino values: values that have seen us reap the blessings of the best of times, and have seen us survive the scourges of the worst of times. Values that will guide our economic, trade, fiscal, security, diplomatic, and social policies.

This is what pro-life and Ang Prolife Partylist (No. 42) is all about: reclaiming the Filipino spirit and his values, and upholding those which he holds dear: life, marriage, and family.


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