Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Values and Platform of Government


A convergence of families, family organizations, parents, and youth, working in solidarity to nurture a culture of peace that values, fosters and protects the fundamental rights of parents, children, and the Family.

A response to the problem of man, with his intrinsic dignity and value
An exaltation of the Family, the fundamental mediating agency in society, contributing to peace.

We Affirm That:

We hold our convictions upon a common belief in one Almighty God, whose providence the Filipino nation implores in its duly ordained Constitution.

We hold these truths to be self-evident and sacred:

The dignity of the human person, from the moment of conception to the last breath of LIFE;

Human life is a sacred gift that man must nurture and protect;

Parental authority has the same origin as life itself; it can neither be diminished or abolished by the State ;

The family is an autonomous social institution;

The rearing of children is a natural and primary right and duty of parents,
and must be supported by the State;

Marriage is an inviolable social institution; it provides the major legal support for the natural family. It should be protected by the State.

The traditional family of father, mother and children is the soil that nurtures humanity--   a humanity that understands its true purpose and sense of life; the State has a stake in its strength and solidarity.

Human freedom dignifies man when it is balanced by the countervailing forces of faith and morality;

The natural and spontaneous freedom of man and woman finds its noblest fulfillment in a permanent union in marriage and generation of new life;

Every child has a right to be nurtured in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude for the enrichment and strengthening of his character.

We Confront:

A world that is divided from a common understanding of what is right and wrong, and has lost the will to seek the truth;

The lowering of community standards in governance, education, media, art and entertainment, through the steady onslaught of relativism and extreme liberalism, weakening man's ability to confront evil;

The denigration of marriage, children, motherhood, and fidelity, and the deliberate corruption of the equality, differentiation, and complimentarity of man and woman in marriage and parenting;

The trivialization of academic excellence in education and its misquided excursions towards social re-engineering, culture shifts, multi-ethics and radical individualism;

Laws and policies that weaken and destroy family structures, institutionalize depopulation, and tolerate deviant models of social behavior that are diametrically opposed to our long held community standards;

Foreign ideologies and agendas that defile and corrupt the Filipino soul;

In light of these values and principles, ANG PROLIFE confirms its active engagement in the advocacy in defense of LIFE against all legislation and policies that seek to legalize or institutionalize, among others:

Un-reproductive Health Rights
Same-Sex Unions
Radical Feminism
Public Child Sex Education

--and instead, engage and challenge the proponents of “death” bills towards the
establishment of PROLIFE measures that will promote a culture of LIFE for generations to come, and in the process:

Regain and rebuild A Filipino culture that recognizes and upholds the dignity of the human person;

Reclaim the moral capital of our families, So as to inspire the youth to live for noble ideals and aspirations;

Empower parents, Families and communities.To be active and effective agents of peace;

Safeguard authentic human freedom, according respect for authentic human rights;

Restore decency,Morality and social responsibility In public governance;

Inspire the Filipino youth to aspire for and pursue knowledge not as an end in itself but as a means to realize and perfect their human dignity free from empty and false distractions;

Support policies that preserve the gifts of the earth for their responsible and procreative use with due regard for our inter-generational responsibilities;


Act as a community with a formed conscience under the rule of law.

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