Official Statement of ANG PROLIFE PARTYLIST about the so-called same-sex “marriage” agenda
Ang Prolife Partylist (“Ang Prolife”) is standing by the anti same-sex “marriage” stand of Saranggani Representative Emmanuel “Manny” Dapidran Pacquiao. Rep. Pacquiao basically cited Natural Law and the teachings of his religion as the basis of his support for traditional marriage between a man and a woman. There was nothing in Rep. Pacquiao’s statements where he said that “homosexuals are worse than animals”. Unfortunately, prominent celebrities and supporters of the same-sex “marriage” agenda used these statements to defame the name of the congressman who has brought much pride and honor to our country as one of the most decorated and celebrated professional athlete of our age.
This unfortunate event was used by these celebrities and supporters of the same-sex “agenda” to launch a hate campaign against the legislator putting into light that lack of respect for and discrimination against a person’s religious freedom and conviction.
We, at the Ang Prolife, believe that the issue of same-sex “marriage” not only affects people of faith but it threatens the very existence of the basic unit of society itself, the family. Nature itself has shown that only a mother and father could produce an offspring for the propagation of species, most especially the human race. No two males, or no two females doing sexual acts could ever reproduce another human being. This is not religion. This is scientific fact.
A few days ago, His Holiness Pope Francis, the Holy Father, and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, signed a joint declaration where the two church leaders upheld the sanctity of the human family that “is based on marriage, an act of freely given and faithful love between a man and a woman.”
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