Friday, April 26, 2013

Humble Hands

The 3 Ang Kapatiran candidates for the senate JC delos Reyes, Lito David, and Marwil Llasos, as well as the Ang Prolife nominees, were fully aware of what they were up against as they marched gallantly to the battlefield of the campaign for the 2013 elections: they have passion, they have love for country, and they have the ability to lead. What they didn’t have were the funds and the machinery to run a proper campaign. With very few tarps and posters, and absolutely no TV ads, they were up against giants of the political world who possess infinite resources for their campaign.

Unfazed, they still went through their campaign, like little Davids going toe to toe with huge Goliaths. Everyday, they went out, voices crying out in the wilderness, preaching what they call prophetic politics. Many chose not to listen, but some did. Carrying the fire of truth in their hearts, they spread the word about these valiant warriors fighting for their place in the senate.

One by one, these humble workers in God’s vineyard, with their humble yet capable hands, gathered all they had, and used their creativity in order to promote and campaign for them.

This is from our friend, Jose Zafra, from Surigao del Sur, and it shows his parishioners grabbing 
Ang Kapatiran ang Ang Prolife tarpaulins after a voter education session:

A young fellow named Christopher  Rivera made this very simple poster out of cartolina and placed it in front of his house for all his neighbors to see; such a very touching effort from someone so young.

After a week, he sadly told us that his  poster was stolen along with the tarps of other candidates at their place. Learning that, we sent him new tarps to replaced the stolen poster. He was so delighted when he received the tarps. He immediately sent us picture where he put the tarp outside their house.

A few weeks ago, AKP Senatoriables and Ang Prolife visited the convent of the Carmelite nuns in Cebu. Convinced that the AKP senatorial bets, as well as the nominees for Ang Prolife are indeed the men this country needs in the senate and in congress, produced their own flyers to promote them.

Also in Cebu, a bunch of young prolifers surprised us with these posters:

We may not mention all, but all of you know who you are and deep in our hearts we thank you for all the efforts and support you have continuously giving  us in the campaign.Supports from different organizations, groups, charismatic groups, Lay initiatives of dioceses and parishes are overwhelming. Few to mention are Youth United for the Philippines, Filipinos for Life, Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life,Couples for Christ Global,  Pro-Life Youth Cebu, Dreamers Message, Soldiers for Christ, Children of Light, Radio Veritas 846 and all their Kapanalig listeners..........

The Chairman Emeritus of the movement is Fr. Leonardo Polinar, Founder of the PACEM Missionaries, Head Shepherd of Servant Communities, Spiritual Director of Soldiers of Christ and many other charismatic groups and communities. 

Pro-Life Philippines

Catholic Philippines

HEART (Honest, Efficient, Accountable, Responsive & Transparent Governance) Advocacy Group in Calapan City supports KAPATIRAN Party Senatorial Candidates and ANG PROLIFE Partylist.


A supporter from Macau sent us money to have tarps and flyers sent to his hometown of Dagupan. He even has a picture of his whole clan holding on to AKP tarps!

Everyday, we at AKP and Ang Prolife receive messages asking for flyers and promising us of their support, and these are not rich nor powerful people helping us. It is the work of these humble hands that the Catholic Vote is coming into fruition. This is the spirit of the Bayanihan at work; the very same People Power that toppled a dictator will one day put worthy leaders in the congress, senate, and even in Malacanang; leaders who espouse the Christian faith and live it with conviction, leaders who are not afraid to protect life and the institutions of family and marriage; leaders who will help us seek the Kingdom of God, who will lead us all into the light of the new day we have all been waiting for.

Seeing the efforts of so many, we cannot help but feel that we have already won; the lessons we learned in this campaign will be very useful for the next elections. The Catholic vote will be an ideology of choosing the common good, and choosing to do good for the country. 

We may not have the big machinery that traditional politicians have but if we help each other out, God will bless our efforts and will reward us with victory

A Vote for 

Kapatiran Senatoriables 

#9 Lito David,

#10 JC Delos Reyes 

#20 Marwil Llasos 

and for Partylist 

#42 Ang Prolife 

is a vote for the future of our nation.

To help us in our campaign and for other inquiries,
call us at 02-734-9425 ortext us at 0917-5359702 or 
email us at or at 
or at

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Values and Platform of Government


A convergence of families, family organizations, parents, and youth, working in solidarity to nurture a culture of peace that values, fosters and protects the fundamental rights of parents, children, and the Family.

A response to the problem of man, with his intrinsic dignity and value
An exaltation of the Family, the fundamental mediating agency in society, contributing to peace.

We Affirm That:

We hold our convictions upon a common belief in one Almighty God, whose providence the Filipino nation implores in its duly ordained Constitution.

We hold these truths to be self-evident and sacred:

The dignity of the human person, from the moment of conception to the last breath of LIFE;

Human life is a sacred gift that man must nurture and protect;

Parental authority has the same origin as life itself; it can neither be diminished or abolished by the State ;

The family is an autonomous social institution;

The rearing of children is a natural and primary right and duty of parents,
and must be supported by the State;

Marriage is an inviolable social institution; it provides the major legal support for the natural family. It should be protected by the State.

The traditional family of father, mother and children is the soil that nurtures humanity--   a humanity that understands its true purpose and sense of life; the State has a stake in its strength and solidarity.

Human freedom dignifies man when it is balanced by the countervailing forces of faith and morality;

The natural and spontaneous freedom of man and woman finds its noblest fulfillment in a permanent union in marriage and generation of new life;

Every child has a right to be nurtured in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude for the enrichment and strengthening of his character.

We Confront:

A world that is divided from a common understanding of what is right and wrong, and has lost the will to seek the truth;

The lowering of community standards in governance, education, media, art and entertainment, through the steady onslaught of relativism and extreme liberalism, weakening man's ability to confront evil;

The denigration of marriage, children, motherhood, and fidelity, and the deliberate corruption of the equality, differentiation, and complimentarity of man and woman in marriage and parenting;

The trivialization of academic excellence in education and its misquided excursions towards social re-engineering, culture shifts, multi-ethics and radical individualism;

Laws and policies that weaken and destroy family structures, institutionalize depopulation, and tolerate deviant models of social behavior that are diametrically opposed to our long held community standards;

Foreign ideologies and agendas that defile and corrupt the Filipino soul;

In light of these values and principles, ANG PROLIFE confirms its active engagement in the advocacy in defense of LIFE against all legislation and policies that seek to legalize or institutionalize, among others:

Un-reproductive Health Rights
Same-Sex Unions
Radical Feminism
Public Child Sex Education

--and instead, engage and challenge the proponents of “death” bills towards the
establishment of PROLIFE measures that will promote a culture of LIFE for generations to come, and in the process:

Regain and rebuild A Filipino culture that recognizes and upholds the dignity of the human person;

Reclaim the moral capital of our families, So as to inspire the youth to live for noble ideals and aspirations;

Empower parents, Families and communities.To be active and effective agents of peace;

Safeguard authentic human freedom, according respect for authentic human rights;

Restore decency,Morality and social responsibility In public governance;

Inspire the Filipino youth to aspire for and pursue knowledge not as an end in itself but as a means to realize and perfect their human dignity free from empty and false distractions;

Support policies that preserve the gifts of the earth for their responsible and procreative use with due regard for our inter-generational responsibilities;


Act as a community with a formed conscience under the rule of law.

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With these guiding values and principles, 

ANG PROLIFE PARTYLIST intends to pursue the

following legislative objectives to:

* Legislate a MAGNA CARTA FOR FAMILIES with a system of registration   and
accreditation of family associations and organizations to encourage their
participation in family-oriented community programs in the local government level.

Barangay, to function as a Family Counseling and Welfare Desk.

Barangay level, with parents teaching and helping parents.

* Legislate the creation of FAMILY FARM SCHOOLS in rural areas.

* Legislate a CHILD EDUCATION ACT with the objective of neutralizing and
dislodging the corruptive child education programs in Philippine schools;

* Legislate a YOUTH DESK in every Barangay, operated in partnership with
the Sangguniang Kabataan and family-oriented NGO’s.

* Legislate the empowerment of parents in the exercise of their inalienable
right and duty to provide for the moral education of their children,
granting parents the right to exclude their children from non-parental,
school-provided sex education programs, with parental undertaking for

* Legislate the requirement of school administrators and teachers to disclose
to parents the content and method of family life education programs to
ensure healthy and moral human sexuality education.

* Legislate recognition and deference to conscience objections with respect
to a religious or moral convictions of all persons.


* Legislate entrepreneurial education programs to benefit families of
Overseas Contract Workers.

* Legislate criminal sanctions against the manufacture, distribution,
prescription, or use of abortifacients and chemical preparations that
destroy (1) the LIFE of the unborn; (2) the woman’s reproductive gifts;
and (3) the woman’s physical, mental, psychological and emotional health.

* Legislate criminal sanctions against indecent and obscene transmissions in
radio, television, and the internet.

* Legislate amendments to further strengthen the MTRCB’s mandate,
particularly against pornography in television and movies.

* Legislate reforms in taxation and social welfare laws to ensure progressive
deductibility benefits to spouses who have children.

* Legislate a CITIZEN PROTECTION ACT to contain the illegal production and
possession of fire-arms.

* Legislate an OPEN INFORMATION FROM GOVERNMENT ACT with due regard
to the rights of every Filipino to demand information affecting public
interest and the common good.

All these, in order to establish a Government that will




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Questioning the RH Law

 (First Petitioner who filed in the Supreme Court against the RH LAW) 

 Supreme Court issues Status Quo Ante Order in G.R. No. 204819 
against Republic Act No. 10354. (REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH LAW) 

Reactions of James M. Imbong As Petitioner and Counsel for the Petitioners in G.R. No. 204819 

Whenever a court issues a status quo ante (SQA) order (whatever the case may be) it means that the court has decided to keep things as they were in the beginning (the "beginning" is the moment the case was filed before the court). It is worth pointing out that courts exercise this discretion NOT to rule in favor of one or another party, but rather simply to preserve the status of the parties before the controversy began. In other words, it is not a decision on the merits, but merely a practical action by a court in a given case. Practical because the court simply wants the parties "not to make a move" while the court is going into the merits of the controversy itself. In the case of the SQA order against the rh law, this means that the court, as sole arbiter of judicial questions, has determined that a 4-month status quo period is sufficient to allow the court to review the merits of the case (which culminates in the oral argument on June 18).

 While the SQA order is not a decision on the merits, but merely a practical order, the message we can deduce from this development is that: the SC is giving proper attention to the petitions and has decided to give a 4-month cool-off period in order for the parties to prepare for the oral arguments in June. It also means that the petitions have succeeded in "presenting a justiciable case worthy of the SC's time and judicial attention as the highest court of our country".

 As regards the implications of the SQA order on the crusade for life and Filipino values, it would be premature to make a conclusion on that because the SQA order does not give us a clear view of the "mind of the court". As you will see from the SQA order, the SC did not issue an "opinion", nor is there any legal reasoning or jurisprudential explanation behind the issuance of the SQA order. At best, the SQA order is a manifestation of the SC's intention to look deep into the merits of the case, considering that the numerous petitions have raised diverse legal arguments on many aspects of the law.

 The SC will hear the parties on oral argument in June, we know that for sure. After the oral arguments, the SC usually requires the arguing parties to file their final memorandum of law (a legal brief). Depending on the discretion of the SC, the parties may be allowed to file their reply-memorandum against each other's briefs. After that stage, the SC usually issues an order declaring that the arguments and filing of memoranda are over and that the SC will proceed to resolve the case. At that point, we cannot tell when the decision will be promulgated. That is all up to the SC. The best thing to do at that stage is to wait (and not talk about the case publicly under the sub judice rule).

 It is worth stressing that the SC is the highest judicial body in our legal system. Thus, we must put our full trust and confidence in their office because their highest duty is to decide cases that challenge the constitutionality of a particular law, in this case the RH law.

 In the next few months, while the SQA order is in effect, we must all be vigilant in our own communities and circles of vocation. If you are able to witness any government agency or official engaging in RH law related activities, the best thing to do is to gather information about that incident (who, what, where, when) and transmit your observations to any of our pro-life attorneys so that we can determine if any violation of the SQA order has been committed.

 James M. Imbong 
As Petitioner and Counsel
for the Petitioners in
G.R. No. 204819

Atty. Jeremy Gatdula, Second Nominee of #42 Ang Prolife Partylist

Atty. James Imbong, First Nominee of #42 Ang Prolife Partylist